miercuri, 30 iulie 2008


Somehow they are turning around, turning their dreams to what I've barely forgotten . I am not running against my past, but watch how it has become a part of others' dreams. I cannot lend my hopes, neither can I teach them to avoid my mistakes. It is weird to notice how my thoughts are recycled and nicely designed in order to be commercial. Once I thought them to express a unique sensibility, a reflexive state of mind, but now I see them just as worn out ideals.
Maybe I have borrowed them myself.

Summer tastes great. Almost three weeks left and plenty of things to pack. In fact, I have just my suitcase prepared. Lucky me, I am not restricted to take only 20 kilos baggage, because I am going by car(the whole clan joins me to Deutschland) My list with "to take" items is no bigger than 3kb in a notepad file, and everything is getting virtual up here. "To-reflect-upon-before-leaving" items are all together in an imaginary old schoolbag, where they cannot be sorted.
I was astonished to find even my schedule for the first semester, watch some pictures with the faculty members on Jacobs' Website. For any civilized student (I mean, citizen of a civilized country), this is not surprising at all, but for us, the eager-to-leave-Romanian-students it is quite unusual. A random example of a Romanian University Web page would reveal the difference(no actual information, no organized data). Thanks God I don't have to beg information in front of secretaries and ignorant staff.

I am looking forward to meeting my mates, but for instance I am curious how many Freshmen from our dear country will be "victims" of the brain-drain phenomenon (with Jacobs-target).
Better brain-drained than drained brains!

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