vineri, 8 august 2008

Special Date

"The symbolism backing number Eight deals largely with business, success, and wealth. This is Largely due to the fact that Eight represents continuation, repetition, and cycles. Such elements are seen in arenas where success is obtained simply because of dogged determination and repetition by the practitioner. Also, matters of business and wealth largely depend on cycles to fulfill their manifestation. It's like the snowball analogy: As it continues to roll, in gets bigger and bigger with each revolution."

I liked a lot this description and by the end of the day I realized how much fate may be absorbed by a single day : 08/08/08. If it were about success and wealth, I am not the one to assimilate a good prediction. Today was meant for shopping, spooky dreams in the afternoon nap, 'healthy' lecture, mom's specialties for dinner, frivolous conversations.
However, 8 has been lucky for me lately. When I took my Subject Tests, I sat on desk no. 8C (and did everything well), I received good news on 8th March/May, I was intensively in love for no longer than 8 months, my 1st kiss was on 26th(2+6) , on 17th(1+7) I met my best friend, and... every day I w8 for a miracle.

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